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Miracle House Church Response to COVID-19

In light of the increasing concerns regarding the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Miracle House Church, takes the position of not only being prayerful, but also faithfully prepared in reducing our susceptibilities to the illness while gathering for worship.


In consideration of the spreading of the virus, please adhere to the following practices associated with your attendance of worship services:


  1. SYMPTOMS – If you are sick with cold symptoms including but not limited to fever and respiratory issues, please stay home in an effort to prevent others from getting sick.

  2. PHYSICAL CONTACT – Until further notice, Miracle House Church will practice social distancing, while continuing to have worship. Avoid handshaking, hand-holding, hugging, and kissing. Instead fist bump and/or elbow bump, wave or nodding of the head in order to fellowship.

  3. SEATING – Limit seating to every other seat, to maintain at least 2 feet between individual worshipers.

  4. COUGHING – Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues and then throw those tissues away. At a minimum, cover coughs with the sleeve of the elbow and not the hands.

  5. HAND WASHING – Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water for a minimum 20 seconds. (Sing Happy Birthday 2 times) If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. When using hand sanitizer, allow the solution to air dry in order to benefit most from its usage.

  6. COMMUNION – We will begin using prepackaged sacraments for our Communion Service during the first Sunday in April. Additionally, everyone will come to the altar, (during offering) to retrieve the packets as opposed to mass distribution.

  7. SHARED EQUIPMENT – All shared ministry devices (microphones, computer keyboards, cameras, etc.) will be thoroughly wiped down with sanitizer wipes after each service and before being used by the next individual.


Stay informed


As the status of COVID-19 changes, it is important to stay up to date on the latest information from the following organizations:

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