1080 Commerce Drive Suite #3 Bogart, GA 30622

(706) 714-4055


Online Giving Options
Financial contributions to this ministry will help us reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Donations can be made via:
Givelify: Miracle House Church
Zelle: Miracle House Church
Mail Check to:
Miracle House Church
1080 Commerce Drive
Bogart, GA 30622
Click Givelify below and you will be directed to the Givelify Page.
Here you can pay tithes and give other financial contributions to this ministry.
​This is a secure website and your information will not be shared, compromised, or sold.
Please contact us at office@miraclehousechurch.com
with concerns or questions​
This page submits donations to
Miracle House Church Bogart, GA 30622
All contributions are tax deductible.