1080 Commerce Drive Suite #3 Bogart, GA 30622

(706) 714-4055

We are easy to find!
From Athens:
From Atlanta Highway turn left at the Pepsi Plant, take Hwy 78 westbound.
Travel to the second intersection, Mars Hill Road ( Race Trac gas stations on left).
Turn left on Mars Hill Road and travel to the roundabout and complete the circle to Commerce Drive into Mars Hill Business Park. The church is on the right.
From Atlanta:
85 North take Hwy 316
Right onto Bogart/Monroe exit US-78 E/US-78 W/GA-10
Turn left at the first intersection Mars Hill Road (Oconee State Bank and Race Trac on left).
On Mars Hill Road; travel to the roundabout and complete the circle to Commerce Drive into Mars Hill Business Park. The church is on the right.
From Atlanta:
I-20 west to Highway 138
Hwy 78 eastbound through Monroe, GA.
As you enter Athens, turn right at Mars Hill Road. (Oconee State Bank and Race Trac gas station on right)
On Mars Hill road; travel to the roundabout and complete the circle to Commerce Drive into Mars Hill Business Park. The church is on the right.