1080 Commerce Drive Suite #3 Bogart, GA 30622

(706) 714-4055

Our Pastor
- "There is a place beyond here......get there!" -

Pastor Daisy R. Hall, is the widow of the late Pastor Mark A. Hall, who was the founder and senior pastor of Miracle House Church., located in Bogart, GA. She is the proud mother of three wonderful children and three grandsons that she absolutely adores.
Pastor Daisy has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ since November of 1998. She was licensed and ordained by her spiritual father the late Bishop Stephen B. Hall. In October 2017, she was installed as the second Senior Pastor of the Miracle House Church in Bogart, GA. She is a graduate of Andersonville Seminary in Camilla, GA., where she received her Bachelor of Theology and Master of Christian Education and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity. Pastor Daisy has had the opportunity to both preach and teach internationally in both Macuma, Africa and Tanzania, Africa.
Because of her passion for helping others discover their inner-best in the midst of outward turmoil, Pastor Daisy is committed to teaching Christians how to MOVE beyond the broken and torn down places in both their lives and their spirits. She encourages herself to live peacefully in life with the motto “there is a place beyond here, get there!”
Not afraid to deal with hard, relevant issues, Pastor Daisy’s tenacious style of delivering God’s Word allows the listener to experience God in a way that comforts, corrects,
encourages, exhorts, strengthens, teaches and transforms.