1080 Commerce Drive Suite #3 Bogart, GA 30622

(706) 714-4055

Mark Allen Hall
9/17/62 to 9/7/17
- Tribute to the late Pastor Mark A. Hall -

Pastor Mark Allen Hall, was born September 17, 1962, the third child of Pastor Edward Hall, and educator Anna Walker Hall. He was a graduate of the 1980 class of Booker T. Washington High School where he played varsity football and was in the Jazz Band. He was known to his friends as “Jock Hall.” He furthered his education at Atlanta Area Technical College, where he earned a degree as a Dental Technician and a Bachelor of Science in Theology from Andersonville Seminary.
Pastor Mark accepted Christ at a young age and was baptised at the Mt. Gilead Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA by his father Pastor Edward Hall. Filling a need for a church musician to help his father in ministry, Mark began playing the piano and the B-3 Hammond organ. He was also a member of the “Rare Quality Band.” Throughout the years Pastor Mark grew to become an anointed, skilled and intuitive musician.
In April 2009, Pastor Mark, along with his wife co-founded the Miracle House Church. He was a true to heart Pastor who loved all his congregants. He knew each one personally and could call them all by name. He kept his church motivated and moving toward excellence by emphasising that Miracle House was a little piece of leather, but well put together” or “If we’re all lifting at the same time, then it ain’t heavy!” Pastor Mark lived for Sunday mornings, as he stood to greet his people, with a big smile on his face, he would say, “ It’s Sunday Morning!”